By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. March 2018. The bell on the outside doorknob jangled, startling the attorney out of his reverie. It had been a long day, and there was another client appointment pending. He straightened, stretched and strode to the waiting room. A...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. February 2018. “My brother said we should just download a will off the Internet for our mother, but that made me nervous. I didn’t understand it, and when I asked what things meant, he got mad at me. I don’t think he understood it, either.”...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. December 2017. “So first, I need to know a little about you. Married?” “Yes.” The hirsute gentleman nodded his head. “Will your spouse be joining us?” “No,” he said, “this is something I need to get done real soon. I leave for a business...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. November 2017. The man plucked at my elbow in the Post Office the other day. “You’re that guy!” he exclaimed, “that guy who writes for the Messenger.” Relieved that he had not mistaken me for some old enemy, I nodded and smiled....
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. October 2017. Uncle Herman has just died, and you have been duly selected as the Executor of his Last Will and Testament. Hopefully, you were forewarned. Congratulations. You must marshal, preserve, and distribute the assets of the Estate...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. September 2017. You have just been notified that you are the executor of your uncle’s will – the uncle whose funeral you attended yesterday. Or, he didn’t die yet, but he confided that fact at the latest family gathering on...