By Tim Barkley. August 2017. Your will and power of attorney are nestled in your safe deposit box. Your living will is in your file at your doctor’s office. You feel prepared for all the uncertainties that life can fling at you. But are you really as prepared as you...


Marital Agreements.  April 2017 By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. “Now last time, we were talking about marital agreements. Even if you hold everything separately, your spouse can have rights to the property when you die, and on a divorce.” Michele and Herb both shook their...


Theirs.  March 2017 By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. Pleasantries over, they addressed the issues at hand. “We’ve decided” she said, “half to his kids and half to mine. So, because he has 2 kids and I have 3, but one is both of ours, it should be 5/12 to Gavin, 25% to his...


Us’ns.  February 2017 By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. “Let’s start with your retirements,” the attorney continued from last week’s article (available online at … “Do you have a prenup?” The clients shook their heads. “I’m not a...


His, Hers and Ours. January 2017 “So,” the attorney queried, “are all the kids the children of both of you? Are there any children of either of you that aren’t the children of both of you?” The husband replied, “I have one from my first marriage, and she” gesturing...


By Tim Barkley. November 2016. Elderly and alone, my client had faced the future with fear. Widowed and childless, she relied on her money to secure her the attentions of her neighbors and nieces. Money was the carrot; the stick was her threat to write them out of the...