Aching Joints. October 2018. By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. “When my husband died, my kids wanted me to put them on the house. I haven’t done it yet – should I? My daughter lives locally, and she’s on my accounts so that if something happens to me, she can...
By Hook Or By… September 2018. By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. The phone rings a lot. “My sister who lives with Mom never lets me talk to Mom or see her. When I call she hangs up the phone, and if I come to her house she pretends nobody is home. She even disconnected...
Guardianship. July 2018. By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. The lawyer’s telephone rang. A man’s voice on the other end spoke urgently: “My name is Henry Jones. My mother, Ophelia Jones, fell yesterday and is in the hospital. I saw a power of attorney on her desk with your...
Less Complicating. June 2018. By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. First, the phone call. “Can you look over our wills and trusts? It’s been a few years, and we want somebody to make sure they’re up-to-date. And we’re going on vacation and want to make sure everything is...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. May 2018. Our last installment ended with our intrepid caregiver, Elizabeth, lamenting, “That’s what scares me. Who can help me put together a plan?” Her attorney nodded. “It is a scary situation. The thought of your mother coming...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. April 2018. The attorney’s phone rang. He activated his headset, “This is Tim.” “Good morning! This is Elizabeth Johnson. I need to talk to you. It’s about my parents. My mother fell last night, and was taken to a local hospital...