February 2025 Q: Do I need a trust? I’ve heard that I need one to avoid “probate.” What is “probate”? A: There are many reasons to use a trust, but you shouldn’t need to pay the fees for a trust just to avoid probate, the legal system that gets dead people’s stuff to the living people who are supposed to get it and pays the bills and files taxes on the way. Probate works, but it’s expensive, complicated and aggravating, and it takes a long time with lots of papers to be filed. There are three basic ways to avoid probate: dying broke (not recommended), a living trust (effective and efficient, but expensive), and beneficiary designations (effective, efficient, and inexpensive, but needs to be kept current). Trusts do a great job of holding...

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January 2025 The increasing availability of information on the Internet doesn’t obviate the need for wisdom … knowing how to apply that information for the benefit of those who need it. Simply knowing that something called “probate” might be avoided and maybe should be avoided doesn’t necessarily reveal the best way for a particular family to avoid it. Yesterday’s news is good as a reference point, but maybe not all that one needs to make today’s decisions. Just so, yesterday’s advice and legal documents might be useful and effective today, or might not. If the law has changed, or your family has changed, or the commonly received cultural wisdom has changed as has happened with regard to end-of-life decisionmaking, then yesterday’s advice...

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December 2024 Q: I have established 529 plans for my grandchildren and have purchased life insurance policies on their lives. Is there anything else I need to do? A: Yes! You should do two things. First, since you’re the custodian of the 529 plans and owner of the life insurance policies, be sure to name a successor custodian and owner. It’s a nightmare to get someone appointed after your demise. If there is no named successor owner or custodian, the only solution is an expensive and time-consuming probate process. And be sure to name contingent beneficiaries, in case (God forbid!) your named grandchild predeceases you. Make sure you keep copies of the nomination of successor owner and custodian, and of the contingent beneficiaries....

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November 2024 Q: Who are all these people mentioned in my documents? A: Allow me to clarify: Fiduciary – person who acts in a position of trust over another person or that person’s assets - everyone below is a particular kind of fiduciary. Trustee – fiduciary who administers a trust and the assets owned by a trust. Guardian – appointed by a court to administer your financial affairs or oversee your medical care and have custody of your person in the absence of an effective power of attorney. Executor – fiduciary nominated by you in your will to execute the terms of your will, usually appointed by the Orphan’s Court/Register of Wills as Personal Representative (“PR”) unless someone demonstrates that the nominated executor has some...

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October 2024 So you have some free time to do some research on the Internet to find out how to draft your own will. There are too many forms online for you to pay a lawyer. Lawyers are just so 1990s! You find a site that promises a document that will be effective “in all 50 states.” That’s good, you think, because you don’t really want to stay in Maryland forever. Taxes are too high here. You start clicking boxes. You select “simple will” and type in the name of your kids and your executor. You know your estate can’t be anything complicated. You just have a house and bank account, and a couple of IRAs. You want everything to go to the kids equally. Except for grandpa’s watch and your guns. The watch goes to your nephew, and your guns go...

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September 2024. Q: I’ve signed a Life Estate Deed so that my children will receive full ownership of my house without probate. Is there anything else I have to do? A: Yes. It is still your responsibility to pay the mortgage, taxes and insurance – believe it or not, clients have misunderstood this. If you sell the property, the buyer’s title company might want you to take the kids off the deed for simplicity. We can do that for you, at a reduced cost. Just call us. When you die, your children will be responsible for insuring the property and paying taxes. They should contact me to have me prepare a “confirmatory deed” reciting that you are deceased and they are the record owners. This will clean up the tax record. They can take that deed...

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August 2024. Q: My mother just died. Do I need to do probate? A: If there was anything just in her name, with no living joint owner or beneficiary, then we have something that nobody owns. Nobody can take money out of a bank account that nobody owns; nobody can sell a car or house that nobody owns. “Probate” is the way we get someone appointed by the court to take care of an asset or account that nobody owns. If all of your mother’s assets and accounts had joint owners or beneficiaries, no probate is necessary. Q: My mother is the only owner of her bank account. My mother’s will says I get everything and that I’m the executor. Can’t I just take that to the bank? A: Sorry, that’s the stuff of old movies, but not how we do things now. The...

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July 2024. Q: I’m the court-appointed guardian for my brother. He just died. What do I have to do? A: I’m sorry, both that your brother passed away and that you have to go through all the steps required for the termination of a guardianship. First, you have to petition the court to terminate the guardianship. The process is different for guardianship of the person and guardianship of the property. Strangely, even though your brother is deceased, the guardianship of his person doesn’t terminate until the court says so. It’s important to note that you only have 45 days from the date of his death to do this. For guardianship of the property, you have to give a final account of his financial affairs, and petition the court to terminate the...

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June 2024. Q: My sister can’t pay her own bills anymore and can’t take care of herself. What can I do? She never signed a power of attorney. A: Your only option is to file in the courts for guardianship. Unfortunately, that’s a long, expensive and frustrating process. You have to file numerous forms with the court, including certificates from two medical providers attesting that they have examined your sister and found that she is unable to take care of her own needs. That form itself is about 6 pages long, and there are about 5 more that you need to file. The law requires that the court appoint an attorney for your sister, who will meet with her and probably with you and the doctors to see if your sister objects to the appointment of a...

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May 2024. The vacation is all planned, tickets bought, pet sitters engaged, but … “Hon, did we ever sign that will?” “What will? The one you downloaded? No, because we could never figure out the thing for the kids’ money.” “Oh, yeah. Well, do you want to pull it up again?” “Are you kidding? After the argument we got into last time?” “Well, what about talking to a lawyer? There’s this guy the neighbors mentioned …” Before you board the plane, make sure you’re not leaving legal chaos behind. Your Will: Is your will up-to-date? Does it still name your deceased brother as executor? Your Powers of Attorney: If you weren’t able to make decisions for yourself – or if you weren’t able to get home when you plan to – is there someone still local...

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April 2024. Q: I’m not married to my partner, but want to leave everything to my partner when I die. I’ve heard that there are huge taxes. What can I do? A: If you and your partner are “domestic partners,” the Maryland inheritance tax that levies a 10% tax when your partner inherits from you can be eliminated. You become “domestic partners” by either (a) registering your partnership as a domestic partnership with the Register of Wills, or (b) signing an affidavit that says you’re domestic partners and providing evidence of the “relationship of mutual interdependence.” Oddly enough, the law does not require intimate relations or even living together, so you and your roommate can be “domestic partners” even if you aren’t intimate; and you...

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March 2024. Q: I’m not married to my partner. I have kids from my marriage. Why do I need a will? Won’t everything just go to my kids, since my partner and I aren’t married? A: As of last year, your “domestic partner” becomes like a spouse, and will get half of your estate if you don’t have a will. Your “partner” might be your “domestic partner” if you have agreed “to be in a relationship of mutual interdependence in which each individual contributes to the maintenance and support of the other individual and the relationship, even if both individuals are not required to contribute equally to the relationship.” That agreement might be substantiated by an affidavit signed by you and your partner, but doesn’t have to be, so it’s best to...

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