February 2025 Q: Do I need a trust? I’ve heard that I need one to avoid “probate.” What is “probate”? A: There are many reasons to use a trust, but you shouldn’t need to pay the fees for a trust just to avoid probate, the legal system that gets dead people’s stuff to...
January 2025 The increasing availability of information on the Internet doesn’t obviate the need for wisdom … knowing how to apply that information for the benefit of those who need it. Simply knowing that something called “probate” might be avoided and maybe should...
October 2024 So you have some free time to do some research on the Internet to find out how to draft your own will. There are too many forms online for you to pay a lawyer. Lawyers are just so 1990s! You find a site that promises a document that will be effective “in...
December 2023. Revised August 2024 Q: What happens if everyone named in my will is deceased? A: Under Maryland law, if you are not survived by the beneficiaries named in your will, your estate (everything you own that does not have a living joint owner or beneficiary)...
November 2023. The man plucked at my elbow in the Post Office the other day. “You’re that guy!” he exclaimed, “that guy who writes for the paper.” Relieved that he had not mistaken me for some old enemy, I nodded and smiled. “Wait a minute, I know you!” said the...