By Tim Barkley. October 2016. Last month’s offering to our readers considered the effect of the Inheritance Tax on folks without spouse, siblings or children as estate beneficiaries. This month’s article offers practical steps to ease the task of your...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. October 2015. “You gotta be kidding!” Her voice was excited as she looked down at the test results. “We’re pregnant! After trying and trying … we’re finally pregnant!” He smiled and grasped her hand, squeezed softly. Their eyes met and both...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. May 2015. “But I heard that the nursing home took everything when you went in. That’s what happened to my grandmother – she went in and they told her she had to sell everything and give it to them.” The attorney nodded. “That was one...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. April 2015. “Let’s talk about uncomplicating your estate plan. “When your plan was created in 2005, the federal estate tax exemption had just risen to $1.5 million. The Maryland estate tax exemption was $1.0 million. Do you have any idea...
By Timothy S. Barkley, Sr. March 2015. First, the phone call: “Can you look over our wills and trusts? It’s been a few years, and we want somebody to make sure they’re up-to-date.” Certainly. Let’s get together. Next week? The meeting. “We had this done about ten...