By Tim Barkley. January 2021. 2020 hindsight. That’s when we look back and try to see more clearly than we could in the moment. Stress test. That’s when we test ourselves to see if we’re fit and healthy, so we can fix what’s wrong before it’s too late. 2020 was our...
By Tim Barkley. October 2020. “Just let me go. I don’t ever want to be on life support!” “If I’m ever on life support, just pull the plug. Right away!” “I wouldn’t want to be on life support. If I have to be, not more than 24 hours!” This writer spends a good bit of...
By Tim Barkley. April 2020. It was a little like a scene from a sci-fi movie when representatives of alien cultures meet to sign intergalactic treaties. But these were just garden-variety wills – yet signed under very unique circumstances. They came in wearing gloves...
By Tim Barkley. February 2020. Last month’s offering to our readers considered the effect of the Inheritance Tax on folks without spouse, siblings or children as estate beneficiaries. This month’s article offers practical steps to ease the task of your...
By Tim Barkley. August 2019. The phone rang. The voice on the other end was subdued, but firm. “This is Ricky. You met with Susan and me about our mother. My wife just passed away.” Pause. “She had a heart attack and died at work yesterday. I need to know what to do –...