July 2022. A good lawyer helps you and your family navigate the court system, and that’s a great thing if that’s what you need. But preventative lawyering can help you and your family avoid entanglements in the court system in the first place. Our firm is currently...
June 2022. “Your power of attorney is drafted to be effective as soon as you sign it. Your agent … your children acting on your behalf … don’t have to prove you’re incompetent before writing checks for you or directing your medical care.” The client raised her...
May 2022. They buttonholed the attorney as he was eating lunch. “Mom just went into a nursing home. We’re worried about the bills. Can the State pay for this? How do we make sure Dad doesn’t spend everything on the nursing home?” The attorney explains, “Medicaid is...
April 2022. “Why do I need a lawyer? I can just download a will from the Internet.” The technology has changed, but the question has been around seemingly forever. Twenty years ago, the will was a “freebie” on tax software, or was included in a software package...
March 2022. “We need to update our wills,” he said. “Yes,” she added, “and we need powers of attorney, and medical directives.” The attorney nodded toward her. “Actually, those documents are at least as important as your wills. Your POAs and directives are used for...
February 2022. When I draft documents, I’m always trying to anticipate who might object and what they might object to. Then we draft around the anticipated objection. When we’re drafting a will, the rules are fairly clear and part of the public record – laws and...